Tag: ucf
Fluxus Score Participatory Art Performance – Synchronicity ⏱️
“Synchronicity” A Fluxus Score by Christopher C. Odom Perform with a Timekeeper plus 2 to 7 additional Participants. Requires a timer and a blank TV screen or monitor. Perform score for 3 minutes and 14 seconds. BEGIN SCORE. Timekeeper Say, “Synchronicity.” Start timer. Say, “0 minutes.” At 2 minutes, say, “2 Minutes.” At 3 minutes and 4 seconds, say, “Synchronicity.”…
Setting-Worldbuilding Research Assignment 1 – YouTube Storyteller Pickup Ethnographies
My research is in the area of using storytelling on YouTube to motivate a call-to-action. I envision my dissertation as a hybrid of a scholarly paper, in addition to a video essay, and a series of web videos. Within that series, will be ethnographies of speakers and storytellers who utilize social media video on YouTube to motivate end-users to take…